Does anyone know why the middleware in the following example is not working? class PageController ex...
I need to write a where clause with Query Builder with nested AND/OR, I suppose that I have to use w...
Ok, I have been going crazy trying to figure this out and need some help. I ported a Laravel 4 proj...
Is there a way to allow the create() function/route in a RESTful Resource Controller to accept an op...
I have a Lumen app that need to lookup user details form LDAP. I am trying to use the adLDAP package...
I created a form which is used for creating and editing packages, multiple features and a single pac...
I have a data model in which I can have multiple 'telecoms' (i.e. phone numbers, etc.) for each user...
This solution on SO looks great, but is only for L4. I am looking for a similar thing for L5: http:/...
Hello, i have index page where are 2 tabs. In the contens i loading products and categories with two...
Hello everyone, I am trying to join multiple tables in my controller.php but i am getting errors. I...
Hi, Currently im using Laravel 4 for a few years now. And I really love it! But I have a questions h...
$listings->appends(Request::query())->render() if query contains array than pagination messes...
Duplication of this question.
Hi, I've been reading a lot about how to remember a file upload after validation.. I tried setting t...
This must documented somewhere, but I had no luck trying to locate. I am using the backend just as a...
Blade::extend(function($value) { return preg_replace('/\@define(.+)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $v...
Hello, I am planning to build a new development (+ gaming) rig. I would like you to help me choose p...
I have following files structure now for email templates: ~/resources/views/emails/$template.blade.p...
Hello, I'm having trouble with my validation. I'm sending this JSON: { "promotor": {...
HI Ive tried to use the command bus in my package and it keeps giving me errors saying that the hand...
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