Hi, I need to have some global variables (values pulled from database) that are accessible through o...
I'm having trouble with Eloquent's hasMany() method. In short, I'm making a video website and curren...
I have two issues: How would I go about implementing middleware whenever Mail:: is called, specifi...
Hi. I have a problem using the built in user support. I created a table "user" in my datab...
Basically, this an event app where customers can buy events and/or flights, hotels, etc......So you...
I have two related entities in Laravel, client and client user. A client can have multiple number o...
I am trying to query the database to get all suggestions along with the users table information howe...
Hello, I have table with form, here is code: <tbody> @foreach($cart_products as $index =&g...
I would appreciate some help with routing in Laravel 5. I've got three models: ReasearchLine, Reasea...
Hello all; I've been using this pattern for a long time but there is just a little point that I coul...
@foreach( $users as $user) <td class="text-center" > {{{ Order::whereAff...
I have a model that i like to unit test. The majority of methods use standard database functions. On...
I have a strange issue, where I get this error Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Bu...
Hi all, I'm trying to include a blade template but as a single line. (http://stackoverflow.com/quest...
Hi All, Are there any Laravel developers in Birmingham UK? There isn't any Laravel meet up in Birmin...
I am currently trying to improve the performance of my Laravel application. The average response tim...
Hi everyone, for let be my app private i have to disable the user register function, and of course t...
Hi everyone, i have to update some post and, to do that, i'm using this form with PATCH method. <...
hello there, i am newbie there. im working with laravel 5, and i got a problem when i developed my w...
In my Homestead.yaml I have the folders configured as: folders: - map: c:\Code to: /home/v...
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