This is what I was looking forward to validate (Doesn't work): @if('/auth/', preg_match(Request::pat...
I'm connecting over https with my browser, and in my middleware class when I call $request->secur...
Hey everyone, I have fallen in love with sendwithus for email template handling and sending. They ha...
Not sure what is up but my routes keep getting called twice. I have erased them all and just used th...
So I am calling the Redis functionality inside my Laravel application. I have an environment set up...
I have middleware setup to minify html and it works like a charm. I have the 404.blade.php page loa...
Hi folks, I'm very new to laravel and just trying to sum a column within my pivot table of a model....
I'm writing an app that has both client and admin side and I need roles and sub-account(for client)...
I have the auth login page working. How do you now keep the pages you need password protected and se...
Am I right in thinking that most of the folders in the default install of Laravel are just there as...
Hi, i want to buy a hosting for my Laravel APP. My app: Is not heavy (Around 10 MB) Has not images...
class TestRequest extends Request { public function rules() { // Is it possible to u...
I fulfill all recommendation of homestead setup.after clone when i run vagrant up then see a error.....
Hi every body: I try to make AuthController. I have setted "bcrypt" at app/config/packages...
I've got a form to create a new user - it has name, email, a user role and password information. Tha...
I am trying to use the Auth route to use the default username and password built into L5 however it...
I have table in database Posts - id - content - parrent_id all posts will insert this table and all...
Hello everyone - Learning Laravel 5 here - I'm creating a little app where there is a 'create user'...
I have a Laravel 5 website up and running beautifully on my VPS but I've decided to make some big ch...
Hello pals. I have a question how can I cal CDN in my view, I have installed cdn I put the url, the...
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