Hello Guys. I'v been created sub directories within App\Http\Controllers. Every things is ok but i h...
I am trying to setup laravel filter in my app. here is my code, Filter.php Route::filter('userid',...
I have a simple one-to-many relationship, like order to line items. I'm building a search form where...
I am new to Laravel and I have the following confusions regarding your package. You did not change t...
I had some code that outputed errors on a view that read from $errors IIRC this used to work but tod...
I am uploading my site (no errors) to my production and everything should be ok. I now have a blank...
I might be missing the point of Relationships with Eloquent with this one but, if I was doing it wit...
I am using this package https://github.com/oriceon/oauth-5-laravel Everything is good with Facebook...
Hi, I have the 2 simple tables below: CUSTOMERS id email CLAIMS id customer_id (foreign key) descri...
I installed foundation via bower under "resources/assets/bower_components". I don't know w...
every time i try to execute the main file to check what i have done so far on localhost it always gi...
I have been doing lesson for a few days. Then I rebooted my machine this morning, for the first time...
I have a fresh install of Laravel 5 running on WAMP. So far everything is working well as far as rou...
Hey guys, I have a SendEmail command that is dispatched like so: Bus::dispatch( new SendEmai...
greetings, as naive as i feel, i wanna create a thread about my controller. this controller manages...
Node fails to install elixir. npm ERR! node v0.12.2 npm ERR! npm v2.7.4 npm ERR! code ETARGET npm...
Hi, I can't figure out how to filter my top products from the DB. I'm searching for an Eloquent way...
Hello. I am new here and i am trying to do something but no information on google... I am trying to...
Is this not supported by Lumen, or i just can't figure it out ?
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