I would like to make the built in Auth that comes in Laravel 5 into an API Auth based system. Anyone...
I started to use Laravel in Laravel 3, and built a production app with Laravel 4. I am facing severa...
I have the following in my stylesheet (generated by Gradient.app): div.home_block_clients { backgr...
in routes.php I have code like this Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin','namespace' => 'Admin'],...
Hi I deployed laravel in my subdomain and it won't display. It still shows the application in the pu...
hi. i am using laravel 4.1 and would like to check what value to pass into the mimes validation so t...
Hi all, I building the system using multiple db sample structure. But i have problem. I try ORM Rela...
This is probably a dumb question, but I have a form where the user is to select from different dropd...
I am new to laravel, i had watched few tutorials for laravel 4.3 but now when i try to work on larav...
Been chopping at this piece by piece, but haven't quite got there or seen any good reference/example...
I have the following model. <?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class...
L4 had artisan dump-autoload. It wasn't exactly the same thing with composer dump-autoload, it did o...
Hi, Here is relevant chunk of code from routes.php Route::post('testPost', function(){ echo &quo...
I have a config table which holds lots of configuration values How can I create a static helper/clas...
how do a query to do join between table-contact db1 with table-client db2. db1 db2...
I've to protect the auth/register url, how can i do it? i've just my ACL mechanism implemented. In m...
I want to create a directory that contains themes (so alternative views, css, js etc). I'm using the...
hi guys, I have been building some app-sites with Laravel and find myself repeatedly in the situatio...
I am trying to implement an auth driver for authentification over an API to another pre-existing sys...
Hello everyone, I would like to know how can I create a php/javaBridge in laravel. I have my website...
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