I am building a specific kind of messaging system. A user can message a user. A user can message a c...
Yo! I would like to use User::find to every page of my Laravel site, views and controllers. In Larav...
So, I have a situation where users can add posts to a forum and then comment on those posts. What I...
I try to update user image but when i try to update it save image name in database like C:\wamp\tmp\...
Hello, I have this migration file <?php use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration; class Cr...
I'm going through the laravel documentation and practicing table joins and I am trying to join 2 tab...
Basically, I'm trying to use the following table structure in Eloquent. I have a polymorphic table t...
Hey all, I have the following : - https://gist.github.com/rsmarshall/24b52155d162d6c781cf At the end...
I've developing a website using Laravel 4.1, and I'm seeing very slow loading times on every page....
Hello, i would like to know how can i increase the starting id in a database of users.
Hi, I have service provier: class TwitterServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public functi...
Hi this is yokes, i have an issue with the categories which i used Franzose, plugin, the issue with...
I've set up a basic website and am trying to configure the environment to go to production rather th...
How can i get a Job instance to delete a job from queue? I know how to delete it in my job Handler m...
Hi , I have a form in my blade.php and a text input field in it which takes a space(' ') by default...
i had made api in laravel 5 i want to authenticate User using CURL how can i use it Route.php Route...
Hi, I am having problems to invoke a relationship method on a model over reflection. My models are:...
Hi everyone, Is it possible to put a middleware logic into a package without adding it in Http/Kerne...
I get message ErrorException mkdir(): Permission denied after I apply website to Production Server f...
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