I'm having an issue using the Form::image() and Input::all() {{ Form::image(url('assets/images/next....
Hello, As the topic states, I'm attempting to design my database. I'm trying to plan a rebuild of my...
From the user manual: Route::get('profile', array('before' => 'auth', function() { // Only au...
Please I need help here, Any buddy can help me here... I need to create the multiple tables in the d...
hi i just learning laravel and don't know how to check which submit is clicked... i tried this so fa...
Hi, I've been looking around and try an error for long time, and I think that it's time to reach out...
I want to have an array of strings as a public member of my Word class (let's call it examples), and...
Been trying to find some for the last few hours and no luck :( Does anyone have sniffs or related ch...
Hello all, I have a Laravel backend working with AngularJS. Via angular service i send a POST reques...
so i doing eloquent with hasmany relationship like this $jejarings = WilayahCuprimer::with('Cuprime...
how to create eav? is nowhere an example of the code. It is unclear how exactly do https://cartalyst...
Hi; 3 questions: 1 - I am trying to load multiple views from a controller but it doesn't seem to wor...
Hello! I have four tables: users: id, username roles: id, name domains id, title domainsAssignedRole...
Hello, I have this error on my deployed version it was working, I wanted to use simple sms so I inst...
I'm using Laravel-Mongodb with a parent Subjects table (MySql) having a one to one relationship with...
Good afternoon, I am relative new to the Laravel frame work and I have been working my way through t...
I saw a method in a laravel project that convert the actual date to "xxx minutes ago" {{ $...
Hi, I am using intervention and want to implement the 'URL based image manipulation' for images. I s...
I am using Laravel 4.2. I can send mail using my web site, but problem with css. Laravel 4.2 don't a...
https://github.com/CodeSleeve/asset-pipeline I followed the installation/configuration instructions...
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