Whilst looking through the changes in 4.2, I noticed this bit of it, and am quite interested by what...
Hey I want to do internal requests and I use Request::create() for this. According to the API the Re...
Running sudo composer update -v, here's the stack trace: Loading composer repositories with package...
I'm trying to get my forum to display the last page by default. But i simply can't get it to work. T...
Hi! I encountered a really strange problem with my configuration for Beanstalkd and Supervisor. The...
I was wondering if it is possible to yield or include the view of a package without copying the pack...
I'm working on a personal project and using it to learn better design patterns, specifically the rep...
Hi! After doing validation and creating a user, I want to redirect to the index page of my site. Her...
Hello Laravel Community! I'm trying to use a Dynamic Where Query, however it end up throwing a error...
Hi there! I am trying to test the routing mechanism of my app, that was based on the documentation (...
for example,I changed the origianl getFacadeAccessor's return value,it don't work.because still have...
Hello. Google lists some links to my application like https://site.de/index.php/tags/tag --- when i...
Hi everybody I want to logout my user after one hour.I use session for that . I set lifetime='60...
Hello, I want to add configuration elements to the laravel config object from data stored in the dat...
What is the aquivalent to the first() method of the Eloquent ORM, but where i can choose the positio...
On Laravel "4.1.29", I have several different type of users. Each type of user has it's ow...
I have managed to evaluate the occurances of distinct values of a column via a raw query. The result...
in my register() function this, $this->app->bind('IDistrictsRepository', function() { return n...
Just wondering if there is an package or a method to generate the language files? Now I just need to...
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