I need to make admin and front differentiate in laravel how can i do that any good idea? In CI we us...
Hi All, I'm using this package - https://github.com/moltin/laravel-cart to add items to the shopping...
Hello guys, on my Laravel project I'm using the LdapAuth made by Ccovey. The authentication work cor...
So...I've been bookmarking a lot of Laravel articles for the last few months. I really didn't like t...
I have two models, Video and File. A video may have multiple files. When I delete a file from the d...
I read some posts about database seeding. I find the seeder's 'run' method begin with DB::table()-&g...
Hi there, I have a many-to-many setup, and I'm only receiving one record when I grab the relationshi...
$student = Student::find(20); foreach($student->classes as $student_class) { if($student_c...
Hi to all. New forum is great.! I am about to begin a large scale application built on laravel 4 and...
Just wondering what happened to FusionInvoice. The GitHub page doesn't seem to exist.
Does Laravel have plans to natively support this? I had a forum post on the old forum about this: ht...
Illuminate\Container bindShared is performing the callback each load... doesn't it suppose to execut...
Hey, is it possible to filter all destroy methods before deleting any data? I want to use Entrust wi...
I have an application system setup for a local organization that involves a user filling out an appl...
Sociable Group is looking for a full stack developer that likes to spend most of the time closer to...
The code below works on a Windows machine but not on a Linux machine. The version of PHP is the sam...
$role = new Role; $role->name = 'Owner'; $role->save(); Error: Array to string conversion Mod...
Hi there, I'm facing some issues with composer and the php artisan command. Please note that I do no...
Hi, Here is an example of my test: public function testCitizenService() { $respo...
Hi guys. I have a link to route like this in my application view {{ link_to_route('categories.creat...
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