Tired of the same process of downloading bootstrap and javascript files? Tired of scaffolding your a...
i have installed laravel in my directory /var/www/laravelstudy and when i try to put url into tabbar...
I have issue about load class from /vendor, I have no idea why its not work. in my local and my frie...
hello. i am completely new to laravel. Basically, I have several records and i would like to click...
Hi folks, i try to use an accessor in my models. The column in the database is called 'status'. My a...
Hi I have a very strange issue. I have recently been trying to add an ssl cert to my site, and when...
i've been trying to figure this out all weekend long and i can't seem to find the answer. my client...
Hi I try to set this queue bash-3.2# php artisan queue:subscribe atless admin.atless.com.au/queue An...
Hi, I am having trouble to insert record in DB, here is my code $member = new User; $member->user...
I use this package in my project https://github.com/tappleby/laravel-auth-token I want to add an add...
Hey, i ran this script: $names = DB::table('Accounts')->get(); foreach($names as $name) { $name-&...
Hi, can someone explain me why I have this error if my model is: <?php class LocationsTipo exten...
I would really like to do something like this: $this->form->fields()->attach('email'); $thi...
Hi, I'm trying to execute a Python script from my Controller. In my controllers directory I created...
It's not advertisement, I found it one hour ago. http://codecanyon.net/item/laravel-cms-crud-builder...
I reckon that using Postgres with Laravel produces weird results with nulls. Check out the error mes...
I have a view that show the registered users data from database. I need to have a button that create...
Default: app\controllers\UserController.php I Want : app\controllers\user\UserController.php If do...
Hey guys, I want to print my model's created_at value in different languages. I google'd this subjec...
Hey, i need to know how to make a query to display all the data from a table. For example i have <...
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