Hello! Where, in your opinion, is better positioned to work with logic models. Working with models i...
Hi, So I'm working to setup laravel on my local system for development. Following along the guides t...
I want to write a "clean reinstall" CLI but I have a little problem... I can't rollback ex...
Using these commands: http://laravel.com/docs/security#password-reminders-and-reset I get the follow...
Hello guys. How i can ignore begining public word from url ? i moved index.php and htaccess file to...
I have face this question several times. Sometimes I write a package that uses one or several 3rd pa...
as you know, I am using the virtual shared space which support php apps, so I can not install php li...
Hi, I'm totally new to Laravel, this is my first install. I downloaded the latest version from https...
This is frustrating!! I have been trying to install laravel since last two days and every time i end...
Hi, This is my first time posting here. I tried to find solutions for this issue for many days. The...
I'm currently trying to refactor an old project of mine with laravel. I currently have a private git...
I am running Ubuntu 12.04, and I have Apache2 and PHP 5.5.9 installed and the MyCrypt module as well...
Hi, I'm just starting with Laravel. I created a project using the installer: laravel new my-project...
Hello, I'm an absolute beginner so it's possible I'm making a crucial mistake here or something. Til...
Hi, I've just installed Laravel 4 on my PC and was looking at some tutorials. A lot of them open Lar...
ive been having some really strange problems with composer. It comes down to when i do a dump-autol...
I have laravel project and want to move it to a webserver. I can copy the laravel files with FTP, bu...
Does envoy work on windows? When I run the below envoy command, I get... [[email protected]]: <...
Hello, I'm the sole full-stack developer in a startup, and I've been happily using Laravel 3 for a y...
I am getting this error when trying to setup laravel. phpinfo shows that mcrypt is enabled. Any poin...
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