I tried to call sending email in a queue but the above title is the error I gotten here's my source...
When I run the command php artisan queue:flush --env=dev --verbose I get the error: [PDOException]...
Hello I'm relatively new to PHP so please bear with me if this question is stupid :) I'm using/learn...
Hi, I have 2 database queries running in a queue that uses iron.io to select some data from my datab...
So I decided to try out the beanstalkd and the beanstalk console on my laravel homestead vm. I made...
I understand there is a 60 second timeout on laravel processes I pushing on the queue. I understand...
Laravel 4 component that includes a Queue Driver called cron that simply stores queue jobs in the da...
I've been completely rewriting my site from my original plain php spaghetti code in laravel to make...
Hi, I've and app on a server an when it's in debug mode I can run task in Supervisor, but when I cha...
I have a laravel REST service where cameras can upload photos using an HTTP Post command. The contro...
Hi, I am using laravel framework.To upload the csv file via a third party API iron.io when i am usin...
Hello everyone, I'm making my blog in Laravel to learn something new but i'm stuck with urls. I mean...
Hi, I have been having an issue where the queue deamon just stops running on the server and until it...
It's been two days debugging. is there a way to chain this properly ? I tried $post = Post::has('com...
I have a job which has its first line Log::warning("start: $id"); and a last line Log::wa...
Is there a way to remove/kill a job that is already on the queue's reserve?
Hey all, I am building a PM system with the following DB (Currently - Open to suggestions) Users id...
I add jenssegers Laravel-MongoDB package into my Laravel 4.2 project, and have a one problem. Maybe...
I have function all($columns = array(*)); public function all($columns = array(*)){ return $this...
What is the best way to handle failed jobs? Maybe an email couldnt't send or an image couldn't resiz...
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