I'm using Envoyer to deploy one of my projects to an AWS EC2 server running on AMI. So I chose to de...
I have this in my route Route::resource('something', 'SomethingController'); but this controller han...
ENVIRONMENT Mandate to stay within the laravel/vue/php/mysql stack. Single Page Vue.js/Laravel appl...
I'm having a bit of trouble making this work properly when querying with Eloquent, here's the model...
Hello, I was checking Laravel.io code on github and I was wondering why are we using SendAlerts in b...
Hi all Sorry if this question has already been posted before. I am new here and tried searching via...
I am building an new application using Laravel and i want the user/owner to be able to create regist...
Hello friends, What is the difference between event and notification? When should each one be used?...
Hi there, Which REST API package do you consider the best? Currently I've tried: https://github.com...
I've created an SNS driver for the Broadcasting package that works well in Laravel. However, I reall...
Hello folks, i am trying to call another function inside the same controller, but its not working at...
Hi, So I'm creating a route where you would pass a string and it would return all the products havin...
How to define model based on role I have a table where I save users. Users can either be a student,...
Hi guys I'm due to give a training on agile software development in PHP in a couple of weeks - not L...
Hey fellows. I am in a situation I am sure I could use your comments. I have been working with Codei...
Laravel Version: 5.5 PHP Version: 7+ Database Driver & Version: mysql 5.7+ ###Scenario: I have...
Hello Laravel.io I'm wondering on how to make a laravel app behave like a subscriber in pub sub to r...
Where I can find some open source project to study made with Laravel?
Laravel Project using External Models I need to use a structure in the Laravel Project where the Mod...
Our aim is to provide you the best at the most affordable cost as Architectural Design Studio. Our t...
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