This was an issue I posted on Github earlier but Mr Otwell closed it and advised I post it here inst...
Hi, I often have to refresh the page after updating the images through a form to see the latest uplo...
Hiya - is there a way to get the time to expiration for a cached object?
I have several packages that I did php artisan config:publish and than in the server I copy paste...
Hey I'm wanting to use JavaScript and Laravel/PHP to create a continuously updating statistics panel...
Hi again all, This tutorial is on the forum archive, but I thought it might be handy for some people...
I just installed new laravel 4 fresh copy. new copy url : http://localhost/ln/public I setup config...
hello, does anyone know how to make my application load the latest collection file I have? Somehow i...
I am using the file cache for an in office application which has about 5 users. The cache is workin...
Throughout querying my database with the queries as the one below; Model::with('first','second','thi...
Hi All, My restful controllers in the routes.php use lots of memory in Laravel 4.1. This standard? I...
I would like to be able to display a status message count on every view of a site that I'm developin...
$expiresAt = Carbon::now()->addSeconds(20); Cache::put($key, $data, $expiresAt); This doesn't se...
Hi, I am trying to implement some basic database caching but I am running into some difficulties. I...
Hi all I have a slight issue ive extended the UrlGenerator class as explained in the documents to us...
Let's say i'm submitting multiple Job to Queue with the same Job name. But while one job is processe...
By default blade caches its compiled views in {storage_path}/views. I've made sure that this directo...
$cookie = Session::put('test','selected'); $test = Session::get('test'); dd($test); I'm getting sele...
<?php echo $users->appends(array('sort' => 'votes'))->links(); ?> I do a GET form sub...
$cookie = Cookie::forever('test','selected') $test = Cookie::get('test'); dd($test); I'm getting NUL...
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