My Domain name is “” , It’s have about 1000 URLs, In webmasters I have only one indexed...
How do I clear a file cache? Well, that is, I get the picture from the site and I replaced it. How t...
Hi, I've changed my .env database configurations (host, etc). After that, config:cache and config:cl...
I'm using Laravel 5.3 and Spark (maybe 1.0). In the Spark brand file file I have: <a class="...
Hello, Each change I made on blade files, I must clear the cache manually. (php artisan view:clear)...
any somebody can help me to fix that error. this my error : ErrorException in Encrypter.php line 106...
I Have a project where subdomain are created for users like a there are and jenny.e...
currently using : laravel 5.3 session driver already tried memcached,redis my session data each ref...
Hello, i have web app using laravel, for each user there is permissions sets array and subscription...
I have NFS enabled in Homestead.rb (otherwise my responses are way too slow): # Register All Of...
#Relevant System Information System - Virtual Box Ubuntu 16.04, PHP 7.0, Google Chrome 55.0.2883.87...
Okay so as I am reading the Laravel Documentation, I am kinda noticing they are trying to sell me on...
So I can't find the answer to this. I had my class Permission, the name of the file was Permission.p...
Hello, I am trying to cache a query which is ordered by RAND() in my category->questions() relati...
This has been a persistent issue, and now it is time to fix it. I have a section of a projcet where...
I'd like to cache Auth::user() calls, because I have the username of the logged in user in my top na...
Hii. I used laravel 5.3, change the view but always cache old view, how to fix that? deleted all cac...
Hey guys I'm developing an app across Windows and OS X. Is it okay to use the 'database' option for...
I want to run my own provider before laravel core provider how can i do it?
I have enabled REDIS as default CACHE_DRIVER instead of FILE, but if redis instance is down for exam...
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