Hi, I'm completely new to Laravel and I'm following the official documentation step by step. So far...
Hey Devs, My problem started with adding more websites to my forge (custom VPS) server. The first tw...
Hey, I wish to implement https://github.com/Sylius/Sylius along with L4 framework. Any help on how t...
I'm trying to migrate my packages from 4.2 to 4.3 but I have an error because Laravel doesn't not re...
Hello, I am new to web development and I am trying to develop a website using Laravel, Apache (MAMP)...
i don't understand the FORGE TERMS OF SERVICE the terms not taking about the privacy about customer...
I haven't been able to find any documentation about how to enable SSL on a Homestead VM. I tried to...
Hello, I did install lavarel by doing /usr/bin/composer.phar global require "laravel/installer=...
Is there a way to force laravel to redirect '/index.php' to '/'? I tried something simple like putti...
I install a nginx server in ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 with HHVM Fastcgi Service and i install laravel via...
Hello, I have ubuntu14.04 and lampp installed . I was learing Laravel but get a lot of confusion on...
I'm pulling my hair out here. 5 hours down the line and I can't get the framework installed. Error...
I'm having trouble using forge and environment variables. When I use getenv('DB_NAME') and so furthe...
I new with virtual box and vagrant , Now I using Homestead image and every thing is run well but whe...
Hi guys, I get this error when trying to use environment variables with the Homestead box: SQLSTATE[...
Been trying to work with Laravel locally using Vagrant and VirtualBox like it's teached on Laracast....
Hi I have spun up 4 servers using Forge, 3 with Rackspace and one with Digital Ocean, they all seeme...
I'm new to laravel and I'm busy with a tutorial, I had to create an about page and the make a route...
OK, I have been reading about Laraval 4, and very excited with everything that I have read so far....
Folks, I've been trying to upgrade my laravel instance to the latest version but for some reason art...
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