hello, I have a table defined so: $table->unsignedInteger('id'); $table->integer('...
I have a model class Enrolled extends Model { protected $table = 'enrolled'; protected $casts = [...
@if({{Auth::user()->usr_acesso_cadastro_pessoas==0}}) @endif
as we know we can't trust user input and insert it directly to database so how can I make a prepare...
I'm using Laravel events for broadcasting to pusher package (I'm using Laravel websockets, so it's n...
Hi. I am currently working on a laravel project. I am kind of new to this. Problem is: I am successf...
auth.php 'guards' => [ 'web' => [ 'driver' => 'session', '...
The term 'dependancy injection ' is quite a powerful method . Laravel has that ?
Hello, I have laravel 5.8 app installed on ubuntu 18( under Digital Ocean ) under domain: https://ww...
hello, I've installed horde imap client this way: $ pear channel-discover pear.horde.org $ pear inst...
Demo Repo https://github.com/fukuball/Leak58 Laravel memory leak example It is normal to loop and pr...
php artisan migrate command not working ! please help me
Hello, If there is a difference in route description of my laravel 5 app as : Route::post('run-user-...
I want the pick the csv from the SFTP and use array to run in a loop in laravel
I work on a laravel project, and I want to use Algolia search . I'm using Laravel 5.8 , PHP 7.3.2, M...
Security is hard. It’s not always obvious what needs doing, and the payoffs of good security are at...
I'm slightly new to laravel and managed to build a simple website using laravel. I tried to deploy t...
Seeking for experienced advice on structurizing the database table. I have a 7 day money balance tab...
Hi. How can I add a rule to the inflector for pluralization of Spanish phrases? I have the following...
Do you plan to build SPA, PWA, SSR, Mobile App or Desktop with Laravel on a backend? Bet on Quasar -...
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