I am using Intervention Image on Laravel 5.2 here is my function public function store(Request $requ...
I am taking data from a junction table and want to chunk by id but the method is not recognized. Her...
Hello , im using laravel 5.3 and i have installed the ssh package from laravel collectable. it works...
Hi I connection my apps in laravel 5.2 in ODBC with a database DB2, Library https://packagist.org/pa...
A page has multiple elements and they are linked using the page_to_elements table. Each element has...
I have install OctoberCMS locally but when visiting the domain, it doesn't do anything but download...
Hi, I have a Laravel 5.3 installation running as a pure API application and need to connect from sev...
I have tables (marks,students,subjects,courses) marks belongs to (students,subjects,courses) and i i...
Im trying to display Logo in Email notification how would i achieve this? public function toMail($no...
any somebody can help me to fix that error. this my error : ErrorException in Encrypter.php line 106...
The very ideia of a contract contradicts the usage of "Redis" in the namespace "Illum...
Hi I'm using laravel 5.1 and I need to send text messages. I had a look at simple sms but they have...
Can't seem to find this anywhere after an hour of searching: I need to a) generate a pdf (berryvdh/s...
I'm pretty new to Laravel and Eloquent. However, I'm not new to SQL. I want to use Eloquent to cons...
I have written following basic file upload code which works perfectly on localhost. On live version,...
Hello, I would like to load some service provider only if I'm inside some execution context. So web...
Hello, I might have a simple problem but it really bothers me. I have a model that has an 1:1 relati...
Building an oss tools with laravel & vue, anybody interested to collaborate https://github.com/i...
Hi Friends I want my user could type HTML tag on url and see result of tag on the page but as i see...
Hi, There's my local cnx data. 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '', 'database'...
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