I stumbled onto this suuuper simple way to initialize an endless scroller through jQuery Here is the...
Hi, My Eloquent Model is here- <?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; cl...
A basic and easy question... If you make a migration using "php artisan make:migration create_[...
Just a PhpStorm inspection issue- methods that can be chained won't be hinted to their correct type....
When I try to install Laravel using composer on my Virtual Machine I got this message : ErrorExcepti...
Hi guys, i have a form that uses a select option, setup as follows : {!! Form::select('property_type...
I am trying to write functional tests for my app. I am using Laravel 5.2 and Codeception. I have a s...
Hi there, I have a problem when I try to store a empty string into the database, laravel stores it a...
Hello all! I read an article today about PHP 7.1 that says mcrypt_* will throw deprecation warnings....
I have two artisan commands and would like to write test cases for it, can't i do it? I didn't find...
http://germanyvsitalylivestream.com/ http://walesvsbelgiumlivestream.com/ http://walesvsbelgiumlives...
Hello, I just updated the homestead box to 0.5 and now I´m getting an error. I did a vagrant destroy...
I'm having this strange behavior in Laravel 5.1 where when I call the relation of an eloquent model...
Hey, in Laravel 4 it was possible to define the master layout in the controller, so that it was used...
Is there any way to force Eloquent models to re resolve the connection they were instantiated with?...
Hi all, Looking to move back from .NET MVC to an enlightened and lovely PHP framework. I like what...
Hi. This is a code for search. Anyway each time i try to search with a term that is NOT in the datab...
Im getting this error "Undefined offset: 1" what should I change here: Controller: pub...
I get this error when I try to edit my users array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array I've tried...
$email = $request->get('email'); $password = $request->get('password'); $password = md5($p...
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