#UNABLE TO ACCESS config Is there any way to create a config object in test cases. Currently we are...
Hi! Laravel 4.2 here, eCommerce site. After an order is placed, I queue several summary emails like...
I'm trying to store the following incoming data into the DB, and it is successfully stored except on...
I just don't understand this concept of migrations could someone explain it in simple terms.. I know...
Hi, I'm wondering if i'm the only one who got null when I save a model instead of true previously ?...
Hi, i have a script who take data from a Json, put in Database and Display. I wanna update data if a...
Hi : i have this format : [M] => stdClass Object ( [CUsed] => 0 [CLeft] => 0 ) [D] => st...
Hi I have used ubuntu 14.04 and use laravel. I have installed nginx with hhvm so I have two alternat...
I am using Codeception for unit and functional tests. Should I test Listeners, Events, Exceptions an...
Всем привет, возникла необходимость разместить сайт на ларе на сервере IIS под виндой и без инета. С...
I'm trying to setup some unit tests for an application/api I'm building in Laravel. For some reason...
Hello, I wonder about Laravel 5. I have 2 questions : When I read the dev documentation I see that i...
Hi, jquery autocomplete does not work if i try to get data from a db table. It works if i define the...
I'm attempting to clean up an existing application by writing unit tests for some legacy code (and u...
I'm trying to dispatch Welcome Email on Laravel 5.2 but the job is failing and I have no idea how to...
hey guys , I'm new with Laravel and recently i tried to validate contact form and its code is as bel...
Hello, I have implemented a simple code just to try using "@yield", that is the code: -The...
Hi all, At my company we have built a platform that APIs request into Google AdWords API and Faceboo...
Some help whith a recomandation for Scheduling laravel ?tutorial or someting?
Hi, I've done artisan make:auth, it all works, but where does it place his routes? I only see explan...
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