Hi I need to retrieve a total of credits. When I put this in the browser it works and gives only a t...
Hello All! I'm going to use Larave 5. My task is to build something like "Role Based Access Con...
I am trying to validate a CSV file using below code. $this->validate($request, [ 'productccsv' =&...
Hello I have been hitting an issue maybe some one has encountered. I have a fresh and shiny new ins...
I am trying to reset from form available at http://localhost/myprokect/public/password/reset/dynamic...
Hello, How can I access a Model's properties in a Controller in Laravel? In my User model I have thi...
Hello everyone, I was wandering if it is possible to create a custom config file. Reason why I want...
Hi, how can I transcribe this sql select with Eloquent? SELECT * FROM player WHERE concat(YEAR(CURDA...
Obviously red the documentaion om Blade Templates but doesn't really get it. I succeded in calling t...
if I had variable declared in view like this //in index.blade.php <?php $var = Model::find(1)...
How does one add a line break to the plain text version of an email message when using a blade templ...
In my routes.php I have: <?php Route::get('/post/new', [ 'uses' => 'BlogController@newPost',...
I am trying to integrate sentry with my 5.0.16 laravel app but I'm getting this error when trying to...
Been a giant fan of Sublime Text for the past couple years, have used nothing else. However, I have...
I'm trying to get the max value of a column in the database, so I'm using something like $maxVal = m...
So I'm trying to make a new company in a CompanyContoroller includes and public function store() is...
Hi, I'm using laravel 5.2 on nginx 1.81 I'm new to this and working through the basic tutorial, my r...
Dear All I am new comer in laravel framework. I am trying to create authentication in laravel. I am...
Hi there, To perform some custom validation on my form request i've implemented the prtected functio...
in blade template of page I have form controls <input type="radio" value="clear&...
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