MY root url contains a form and it submits to itself ..i made two route and two method one for get a...
The documentation for doesn't go into much detail abou...
Hello there, Is there any to map the json file and upload its content to mongodb? Any suggestions fo...
Hello, I am using laravel 5.1.31 Currently I am trying to set my session driver file to database, ac...
Using Laravel 5 After using the command php artisan key:generate I get the following KEY base64:DBY4...
In my code i often use database values. So for every release i have to store some records in the dat...
Hi everyone! I just want to start out by saying that I love Laravel and how awesome it is to use!!!...
I have a form that looks like this: <form method="POST" action="{{ route('flyers.s...
I have two models Service and Toppings. Each Service hasMany Toppings, Toppings belongsTo Service. B...
Hi everybody Im new in the Laravel's world and let me tell you it looks very interesting and fresh f...
Hello, i have a problem with sending mails from laravel. Laravel should use the smtp service from my...
In the constructor method of my controllers I have a line similar to the following; AdminHelper::use...
I am using laravel 5.2 and i have made authentication system by using laravel's "make:auth"...
Is there actually a Jade templating engine for Laravel 5? I've tried rvanasperen/laravel-jade but it...
So I've been struggling with this problem for the past few days. I want to return $name as a json re...
I migrated my local laravel 5 project onto my AWS ec2 lamp Ubuntu server.
Hello, Is it possible to use Sentinel Kickstart on laravel 5.2? How can I do this job? Anyone done t...
Can I do the following by passing both $request and $data in the same line? I have looked over the l...
I am new install laravel in Ubuntu (mysql). I use Bitnami Lamp server. I get message when i run comm...
I have the following tables: Table: clients Schema::create('clients', function(Blueprint $table) {...
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