Hey guys i am newly working on Laravel. I am facing a problem regarding authentication. Its that whe...
i want to develop website like foodpanda.in which has dynamic menues and multiple payment options. i...
I have some blades that generate dynamic JS based on some environment configuration variables. My g...
I've used the Repository Pattern a few times now, but recently started trying to get better with my...
I'm trying to use the model create option and this is my array: $result = array( 'match...
During vagrant up command I saw that it is generating settler_default_xxxxx folder in my virtual mac...
The problem is with the default auth.basic functionality. A users' credentials pass when checking wi...
Hi Guys first of all i'm a complete newbie in frameworks, i started reading about that a few days ag...
'I'm trying to install the anahkiasen/former package once again but it won't work. The funny thing i...
I have googled around and came up with nothing useful... How do people test their Errors? Here is me...
I want to make uri something like this : localhost:8000/products/productname Route::get('/products/{...
I previously asked this question on the Laracasts forums at https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/e...
I wasn't sure what exactly to title this, but basically here is what I am working: I have an applica...
public function store(Request $request) { $image = new Image(); $this->validate($request,...
I tried uploading a file with the following code in ubuntu $file = $request->file('file_upload');...
Now this is a something really strange: I am running Apache with 2 websites on it. The sites are exa...
Hi, I wonder if it's possible to use non incremental ID on Laravel? What method shoul I overwrite? T...
I'm trying to set up my local environment with MAMP. However, I want my database to point to my RDS...
I am using student guard for Authentication everything is working fine. Auth::guard('student')->u...
MY CLASS : namespace App\Http\Middleware; use Closure; use Illuminate\Routing\Redirector; use Ill...
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