I'm trying to pass data to my view and i want to visualize the name of some records not the id so in...
i learn the TDD now, and it's my third test file... BUT, i dont know, what-s doing i wrong. can anyb...
#This is my ajax <script> $(function(){ $('.click').click(function(){ alert($(this).attr('hr...
Hi can someone help me??please, I'm having problem with updating and deleting data when I'm trying t...
Hi everyone I was wondering if there is some example/sample projects to start with - for L5? Thanks
Hi everyone, I'm building an application and if the session times out then a user submits the form,...
Laravel 5.2 Hello I have this message in my controller: public function postIndex(SaveProfileRequest...
Hi guys I hope you all having a great day I hosted my laravel app on the server but I got the follow...
The cache and session data can have there own table (database) but if I want to put them in memcache...
Hello! I set my session driver as database and in session config file set connection as mysql, becau...
How to create shoping cart in laravel 5 , i'm experience difficulty to make.? it please
If I run php artisan route:list I get the following error [ReflectionException] Class App\Http\Cont...
Hello! I have a short but important question. I do use a lot of helper functions the have a cleaner...
Hello, i'm using "iseed" to generate my seed files for migrating in a new database. When i...
I'm trying to track really simple social media stats for some companies. At this stage I'm largely s...
Laravel offers powerful tools and far-reaching scopes for customization of the web applications. Thi...
I am new to using Laraval so I apologize if this question is elementary. I'm running Laravel 5.2 usi...
I wrote a formular in Laravel ( PHP Framework ) and this formular gets some data and send them with...
Is there a package for L4 that shows events added to a database? Need full page calendar view. Thank...
Is the only way to add new sites to your Vagrant setup to edit the Homestead.yaml file and then &quo...
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