@for ($i = 0; $i < 40; $i++) <img src="uploads/{{ $i }}"> @endfor Can any...
Hi, i have a problem with "homestead ssh" in Cmder. Well actually it's working but there...
I have a table of 'tips' which have many columns one of which is a date column.... The tips that are...
I can successfully run and roll back the two default migrations (users and password resets) but it d...
Good day guys, base in my view function (create.blade.php). I displayed a table from my database and...
I have defined the following routes : Route::get('/', 'HomeController@getindex'); Route::controller...
Hey, I have one table which is connected with others with foreign keys. Order table: order_id custom...
I have changed app name by artisan using 'artisan app:name Selector'. Then, when I try to perform ot...
How can I force websites to use the www-prefix instead of the non-www. I am using forge.laravel.com,...
I am looking at moving a project off of CI 2, and would really like to use ORM. The problem I have i...
Hi, I'm not finding any package for Laravel that does what Cells does for Ruby on Rails. Cells are l...
When i run gulp on my server i get this error [06:17:51] Finished 'default' after 1.04 s [06:17:57]...
I'm trying to sort on the value of an accessor, but I'm not entirely sure where to put it. The attac...
Just started looking at Laravel 5.1, bit surprised to find bootstrap-sass in the list of dependencie...
#Hi. #I have wamp server with two php versions on it. #Active - 5.4.12 and not active 5.3.13. #When...
Hi, Sorry for my english first, I'm not used to write in english. I explain my problem. I used on La...
Hello, I am using L5 for my application. I am using the default Login and Register functionalities p...
Hi all, How the possibilities to do the Custom Pagination for Laravel
I am using the below code to redirect to the root page. return Redirect::to('/'); I have defined t...
Hey, I don't seem to be able to find resources/views/auth in my fresh install. However that director...
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