On a fresh install of lumen, when I try to run anything in Artisan, I get this error message: [Error...
Hi guys, I am having some issues with L5 with a sqs queue. I want the job to perform in the backgrou...
I found an interesting bug which I'll share here. Hopefully it will save someone time. Consider this...
Synopsis I have a problem where by when I try to call migrate:reset within a test tearDown method I...
Hi, the "artisan app:name" command does not change the namespace of files located in "...
Hi there, I'm very new to frameworks, I'd like to build an application which has this architecture:...
I'm running the queue listen process via the following supervisor config (I'm using SQS). [program:l...
Sorry for this crosspost, I already asked my question on Laracast, but no response came, that's why...
At initial stage Url is http://localhost/laravel/ When i click on the product menu URL changes to ht...
I’m working on Laravel 5 with postgres as database. I’ve configured postgres 9.4 and pgAdmin III and...
Hello, I have a Market Model. I need to add the open/closed function with a Calendar Event and didn'...
What I want to accomplish, is to update multiple rows at once, based on what has been submitted usin...
So I've been watching tutorials on laracasts about middleware parameters, but somehow it does fail.....
I'm trying to put all my reusable code in packages to get them easily into other projects. I want to...
Hello, I am trying to basically check if the api key that is currently being used, didn't pass it's...
I've found lot of open source projects built with laravel from source 1, source 2. But the thing is...
Is it as easy as updating composer.json and running composer update?
Hello everyone. I'm kinda new to Laravel so sorry if this is a noob question. I have an API controll...
$user = new \App\User::onWriteConnection(); $user->name = \Input::get('name'); //... $user->st...
I am developing apis for andriod in laravel 4.2. Facing a very silly type of problem I have a blog m...
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