Dear All, Yesterday I take a look on Laravel 5 (which is already late), been using Laravel 4.2 in th...
First of all I know that I can use raw (where) queries but I'm really curious if there is any "...
Hi, you know any script or plugin that allows you to print a page without the sidebar on laravel?
Hi, I have a site on forge that points to the correct directory. I created another site which create...
I want to make this as simple as possible. Imagine i have a order model from a shopping web site. Th...
I'm trying to load a file (audio file) into my client side application, but I have no need for savin...
Hi all (and sorry for my bad english), I've a little problem with the save function of Eloquent Mode...
Warning: POST Content-Length of n bytes exceeds the limit of x bytes in Unknown on line 0 Is there...
Hi, I'm quite new to laravel, I've been developing in PHP for the past few years, in CodeIgniter! I...
How to add job again in queue if certain condition met in handle method of laravel command or stop a...
I got 2 Models Blog & Text, inside both Models had a same function named listBlog & listText...
Hey all, My latest project has an event (local) kiosk and a live (remote) server, and each machine r...
I'm trying to install laravel 4.2 as mentioned in official doc using installer option, I've followed...
Hi All! Lets say that i need to have all the users entered data encrypted in my db and i am doing it...
Hi all, I'm installing a new application using Laravel 5, with a little help from Laracasts. After I...
wheather I try it like this {!! Form::input('date', 'published_at', Carbon\Carbon::now()->...
I wanted to give option to create users for Admin without using Registration form. Do I need to chan...
Hello everybody! First of all, thanks for watching on my topic. My question is simple. The models th...
Hi I'm new to Laravel, I'm creating a user-group page. A user can create a group and is automaticall...
Is there a way to provision homestead without clearing the databases that are defined in Homestead.y...
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