I'm doing a website based laravel 4.2 and Bootstrap. I want a bootstrap modal pop up dialog to load...
Hi i recently run this script http://codecanyon.net/item/mtdb-ultimate-movietv-database/6447206 base...
We've been using Rocketeer for quite some time now, until a couple weeks ago when suddenly new relea...
I'm not interested in installing a package to show a popup that inform user with message: 'This webs...
I have a couple of packages that have controllers and routes. For example the route admin/log points...
Hello, so I have three models , one for Attachments one for Products and one for Articles. The Attac...
I have a table like this: <tbody id="responds"> @foreach($animals as $animal...
Hi All, I have a broblem. [2015-05-14 16:15:00] production.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\HttpK...
Hi, I've been trying to find a solution as to my title. Does anyone have an example or guide on how...
Hello, I found this tutorial : http://code.tutsplus.com/courses/build-an-ecommerce-app-in-laravel an...
I have User Table and Followers Table. The structure of follower table is : -id -follower_id ( refe...
So I'm new to Laravel and trying to make a permissions system for the users on my application. Here...
Hi I am really wanted to get rid of this kind of default text with worst design(At least from my poi...
Database Tables are jobseekers id | username | password | job_detail_jo...
Howzit guys I have created a webservice that recieves a XML POST. Problem is that when i use a poste...
Hi, I am following the Laracast Laravel-5 tutorials. In video 16 -Ogres are like Middleware, The tut...
Hello, I am using laravel-push-notification library to push data towards android devices, it works g...
I'm running into an issue when trying to associate a child model to a parent. I see in the documenta...
This is my login form and my AuthController : //AuthController(postLogin method) public function pos...
Database Tables are employers id | username | password jobdetails id |...
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