Hey guys, i have a laravel 4 project that is almost complete it is my first project. as one of the f...
I am trying to manipulate images in Laravel using intervention. I have followed all the required set...
Hello I am using the angularavel setup for my app. On my local setup i do not need to explicitly sen...
How to create email service without blade(VIEW) in laravel 4.2.
This really has me scratching my head. I stood up a new server for my application, it is Ubuntu 14.0...
If user login in normal laravel application, is it possible use same login session in lumen without...
Hello, I am using laravel 4.2.11, MAMP(php - 5.4.19) on Mac OSX 10.9.3. Permissions on app/storage/...
For testing and support issues I´d like to allow one or two emails to be used multiple times in my u...
I have a search route, Route::post('tag/search/{name}', array('as' => 'tag.data.post', 'uses' =&g...
I'm writing a validator that verifies that an IP is unique. The complexity is that these are IP rang...
Hello, I need an Example or tuto how to add form validation on Bootstrap Modal using ajax and json r...
Hello, I've been trying to get laravel to work with a Microsoft SQL Server. I've installed FreeTDS,...
Lazy Artisan automatically adds and manages your Service Providers and Facades in your app config. I...
Users create projects, projects last 14, 30 or 45 days. An "endDay" is calculated using ja...
When someone comes to my application, a query string is passed along with them. I need to keep that...
I am displaying a list of hotels via an API an i'm learning to setup some restful routing.So I am go...
Hi, I've just started learning laravel 5 like a month ago. And now I've developed my first laravel p...
A null value is returned, when the select box is empty - this causes an error while using the sync c...
Here's my View Page <h1>{{$pageName}}</h1> <div class="lms_register_body"> {{For...
I have a form that has inputs that look like this {!! Form::text('event[]', $data->event, ['class...
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