When extending Blade, using Blade::extend(), it is necessary to clear the cached View. This functio...
Got an issue that I am struggling to solve in Laravel 5. So essentially what I am trying to do is ca...
Hi all, new to Laravel here. So I have just created a fresh install of Laravel in a directory. I hav...
I want to create a web app with Laravel 5 that require three different type of user authenticated: s...
I'm not entirely sure what category this falls under so I apologize if it's not configuration. I've...
Hello, I have for example table with user, which can be owner of event or following event. So, there...
I have table rows that I want to be created when user register just like users table does by default...
Hi guys, is it me or it's impossible to install Laravel 5 with Composer now? I tried yesterday and t...
i install responsive filemanager with tinymc in laravel when i click on img icon open dialog box fo...
I see this question in many posts but nobody really has an answer, I installed homestead just as lis...
Password::remind() sends an email using Swiftmailer. How to replace Swiftmailer with PHPMailer? Than...
Ok, so I am trying to embed an iframe into a view from a trusted source outside of my project. The...
First, if anyone has a good tutorial on collections, I could use it. I have a collection coming from...
Hi all, I'm new to Lumen and Laravel, sorry if I'm missing something obvious! I'm working on a small...
Long story made short: my timestamps are coming from PostgreSQL in a different format than Laravel i...
How can one go about compressing Laravel into a single Phar file? I'd like to compress everything ex...
Hello all, I have a device table created using this Schema::create('devices', function(Blueprint $ta...
Hey, I installed the package entrust and everything is awesome !! . but I tried to fetch the name,...
I am looking for some guidance on setting up the default Password Reminders functionality in Laravel...
I'm getting started with Laravel 5 by following the ToDo tutorial here. I also have the ide helper s...
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