I've created a very simple form that has some select values and when you select one of the items fro...
What I try to do is a relationship with eloquent between a model called "Location" and a m...
Hi, I have two models, "Article" and "ArticleDescription". "Article" h...
Hello, I am working on upgrading the front-end for a Laravel app created by another developer. I was...
I tried using Storage::get and size on a pdf file and does not seem to work am I doing something wro...
I have a system I will be developing that has an admin side and a client side. The users for each en...
I'm using Laravel 5 and I have some problems. When I want to access the login on my subdomain ->...
Hey guys, I've been working on a project of mine on and off for about a year and a half, using Larav...
Hi Everyone, I've been follow a guide that explains how to create an API Token Authentication with S...
I started using dploy.io last week (And eagerly awaiting envoyers release next week). Everything has...
Not sure what happened. Maybe a recent update? I push my code changes to my public environment from...
I am using sqlsrv to connect to Microsoft SQL server 2008. If I put the following in my view {{ $use...
Hi for example I have controller and in this we have below code $categories=Category::with('parent....
I have a SQL, for a table name "students" SELECT Institution_Name, Count(Institution_Name)...
Hi there! So I'm using FormRequest like so: public function save(MailRequest $request) And validati...
Hi! I need advice with oauth(facebook and twitter). Should i create Facade Socilaze with facebook an...
i'm unable to store data of a signup form in my database table, plz help
Hi, Homestead has totally broke. I get errors whatever i'm trying to do (like VBoxManage: error: Cou...
I am using XAMPP to develop my laravel project on my desktop PC. The project folder is copied from m...
hi! i create a menu like wordpress using the same js and css and convert it in package , if you want...
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