I think I know why the error is happening, I just am not sure how to fix it. I have a datatable that...
I'm looking to build a site to teach several areas of amateur radio including FCC licensing and othe...
I'm trying to link to a PDF but since the route is not registered in Laravel, it is not working. Is...
hello for example : i have tow <select> Elements (Drop-Down List) one of it for category and a...
I upgraded servers today on DigitalOcean by destroying my old droplet and creating a new one from th...
Hello, This is probably a very simple question. In my database, I have a users table, ideas table,...
I'm creating a app for taking a test and I want to display each question by itself and when the user...
For my final project at school I'm going to build a Laravel 5 package. Now the past days I'm experim...
I'm new to laravel.With Laravel 5 I read that you have to add "illuminate/html": "5.0...
I just installed l5 and am trying to run a simple query using $users = User::find(1); But when I run...
I got an error message like this one below, MethodNotAllowedHttpException in compiled.php line 7634:...
Where is these codes below, URL::to URL::route in the documentation? Thanks in advance.
Very odd problem here. I'm running supervisor + beanstalkd, supervisor is 3.1.3 (so it supports dir...
I've been searching forever to find the answer to this. I would really love to use Laravel, but I've...
Hi there I am fairly new to Laravel and for my current project I decided to use the Bootstrap-CMS fr...
A native driver which uses Auth::extend and does not require any additional MongoDB related package....
Hello, people. I have a problem that is confusing me. I'm working with relationships, but part of th...
Hi i used auth filter for a group of routes that i dont want to guest user access to it ,but i have...
I am using Laravel 4 and the Eloquent model for a project we are working on. The database conforms t...
For example: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ URL::to('favicon.ico') }}"> returns: <link...
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