First Error: error: \vendor\symfony\translation\Symfony\Component\Translation\Tests\fixtures\malform...
I created a web application using PHP framework Laravel 4. Now I would like to create an Android app...
So I want to have a button that switches from one language to the other and consequently translates...
I've copied and pasted from the documentation, and yet I can't seem to get Homestead to work in the...
Timestamp fields are not being set automatically for ORM classes. "SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null v...
Hi, I'm new using laravel. I'm finding a way to use ssh dynamically, using ssh-key or another way wi...
I'm following the Laracasts's Larabook tutorial. I'm on the Following Users part. I added a follow b...
I am having problem with Laravel Eager loading with constraint. public function showAllOrders(){...
In migrations, I create a pivot table Schema::create('system_user', function(Blueprint $table) {...
I tried to localization my application, but seems like I'm missing something. Here is my routes.php...
configuration of mail.php <?php return array( 'driver' => 'smtp', 'host' => '
My configuration works fine on Localhost. The email go through successful. But when I deploy it on t...
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Any video tutorial or link for Laravel 5 Authentication? Thanks in advance.
Hello. I have been having an issue with my laravel site for a few weeks now and I have tried every s...
hi! I'm usign Sentry 2 .1 on laravel 4.2. When im logged in like a User for example "Admin1&quo...
Hi guys, I put the code below in my controller(I'm using Laravel 5): if(Session::has('user')){ retur...
So, I am trying to create multiple sites on the same DO server, but the only way I get it to work is...
Hello everyone. First case: At the database level have I created two users - "app_web_worker&qu...
Hello. I am trying to catch any errors that might come up when using the Billing service in Laravel....
You've likely seen or heard of Cachet, the open source status page system which is currently in beta...
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