Hello, I am make upload image and show this problem ImageCan't write image data to path () here is...
I have a restful route controller for user setup like this: Route::resource('user', 'UserController...
I'm trying to write tests for the login but keep getting these errors Method Mockery_4_Illuminate_Au...
First, download the Laravel installer PHAR archive. For convenience, rename the file to laravel and...
Hello, I have a slight problem with route caching when using closures in the routes file. My routes....
Hi guys, so I have a match model, a match hasOne hometeam and one roadteam. Like: match:{ hometeam:{...
Hi, I'm trying to upload an image to a S3 bucket. In a controller, a method called uploadPhoto() get...
Hi All, Hope everyone is doing well... I am trying add/replace/move this kernel in to my modules fol...
I'm a member of Laracasts and have watched Jefferies video on public static functions. I am learning...
I am new to laravel and am looking for some insight into where people put their bower_components dir...
Hi, I am building a SaaS using L5 and Doctrine. I found a few symfony projects that work with doctri...
Hi all, I'm working on a RestAPI where the data coming in is in json format. For example. { &...
Hi there! Say I have this url: http://myapp.loc/test/1 where its route is Route::get('test/{id}'). h...
In, at least, Laravel 4.2, you have the useful option of using daily log files by putting $logFile =...
I have a project where I have to use legacy PHP code with Laravel. I need to require() several PHP...
I have an older version of intellij and am trying to decide on upgrading it or buying PHPStorm. Are...
I am new to Laravel, I am trying to use Bootstrap with Laravel but it is very difficult to use with...
Hello! Does anyone knows if there is a chance to somehow mock call to Cookie::get() method ? I know...
Hi, I have the 404.blade.php file in the resources/views/errors and it extends master.blade.php, lik...
In composer.json there is the scripts section; "scripts": { "post-install-cmd"...
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