###Laravel 5 question### I created a service provider, in which, basing on URL, I bind a certain int...
I am trying to validate a retrieved form with User::$rules and the validation always return failed w...
Hey! I have just started to create a Laravel application featuring websockets. I have managed to cre...
Using Laravel 5, though this accured in previous versions too. Issue: I'm getting the redirect url s...
how to create global object or variable without singleton in laravel?
Is there any manuals or tutorials how to arrange env files and load data from them?
on Package Development, public function boot() { $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/p...
Hello misters, I want to test Laravel 4.2 for the first time and i am very surprised by the perform...
I have a 'create event' form where I'd like for the user to be able to submit info along with a date...
Hello. I tried to place Blade::extend to bootstrap/blade.php. Then I require this file in bootstrap/...
I want to be able to distinguish if a user is Administrator, and if he is to redirect him appropriat...
Hello. I want to create a database, but always ask myself if i am doing a good scheme. I would like...
just out of the box laravel new MYWEBSITE results in the above
I tried to search about this question before, but there seems to be nowhere where it is explained th...
Hello, I am getting error in L5: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback,...
I'm on Laravel 4.1.3 I used the password_reset everythings seems to work email is sent , reset passw...
Hi I'm new to Laravel/Eloquent and am trying to use the following query with eloquent [L5]. 'SELECT...
I'm new in laravel. So I choose to use laravel homestead for greater compability environment. I inst...
I set up a laravel app running on a AWS EC2 (m3.2xl) using NGINX and php5-fpm. The database is using...
Hi, I have this route in my routes.php: Route::get('/name/{id}.{format}', 'NameController@showName')...
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