Hello have 4 tables users,agents,users_agents,mt4_users, I am create join between users_agents,mt4...
According to jpgraph manual, user can set a scale. For ex, I would like to explicitly set my scale r...
I have a ( search form in all pages in my project ), i can't specify just one route for it. i'll be...
I tried to follow the socialite tutorial at https://laracasts.com/series/whats-new-in-laravel-5/epis...
Hello guys, I'm using crypto js to encode some parametters and in the application I made the same en...
I tried so many ways to install Homestead 2.0 in my windows machine. The Latest error from the git b...
I just tried running a composer update to add a new package and I got an error that I can't figure o...
Hey guys, how do you publish assets of a dependent package in workbench? For instance I am building...
I am studying the Resquests Laravel 5, i customize the messages of validations. follows the code ht...
Hi guys, I need to select all models and see if relation exists. Here's an example: Let's say I have...
I've been dealing with an issue recently which is. I build an API on laravel 4, and it returns json...
I'm having trouble understanding the Eloquent relationships described here: http://laravel.com/docs/...
I am trying to set up a route within my package but I can't get Laravel to find the controller. comp...
I'm new to laravel/webdevelopement in general, so i thought to start out i'd do a authentication scr...
I have been using push queues with IronIO for awhile and it works fine most of the time. However I...
Hi guys, I have a rather weird problem. Here is a simple function I wrote: $team = ProTeam::find($t...
Hi there, I've just created a new laravel app, and I'm trying to run my first migration. Somehow lar...
So, I'm having some troubles installing Laravel Stapler on L5. The developer updated the dev branch...
Hi, I have a User model, and polymorphic models to define different user types - eg UserAdmin One of...
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