Hey. I need to get the ID of pivot when inserting related items in Many to Many. Ex. $pivot_id = $pe...
Hello, people. I'm trying use Laravel Authentication in my aplication, but the Auth::attempt always...
example: Route::controller('spiel','SpielController'); $u = URL::action('SpielController@getIndex',...
Hi Everyone.. I am developing laravel web application , now i want to display a daily work report gr...
Hello, i would like to set the number of max tries for the queue through my config file (f.eg app.ph...
Hey guys, is it possible to implement my own __call() method in Eloquent models? I created users per...
I'm using Laravel 4.1.30 I was wondering if it's possible to to overwrite a template with a differen...
Hi, I am using bllim\laravel4-datatables-package using the tutorial in the below link, I am able to...
myClass::myStaticFunction() not working after the latest composer update...any idea why?
Hello, i have created my first app in Laravel, which contains: 1.Login 1.1.Profile 2.Logout I would...
Suppose I have a link to a form, but after submitting the form I want to redirect back to the origin...
By using this code I'm trying to return the post from posts table which has the same id by {post}. R...
Hi there I'm working in a package , and for some reason i cant access to models methods from View, f...
So I have MyApp\Posts\Post MyApp\Videos\Video In each I declare a $morphClass of 'Post' and 'Video'...
Hi. I'm having an issue when passign a variable from a Modal toa web page. The variable it's not sho...
I'm having trouble getting the below to work. I want to route legacy urls but the below does not see...
Hey guys, is there a way to check if route to given controller action is accessible? By accessible I...
Hi... I am a very new Laravel user, For a work of mine,i have to integrate nginx with laravel in win...
Hi everyone, What is your approach for repository methods responses ? returning Eloquent models or...
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