Hi, i need to do development work on an existing laravel website. I suspect it to be version 3 but a...
Hi, can you help mw with this treat please: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27742097/jquery-auto...
Hi there, Apologies if this has been asked elsewhere - I've done a quick search and couldn't find it...
So I'm using Laravel 5, and for a more complex authentication, I need to overload the method attempt...
Hi guys, I know how to send Email in laravel 4, don't worry :) I ask for proper way of structuring s...
Hi, I've something I really not understand. I have several classes in my models folder. Each classes...
I'm using Laravel 4 framework with standard built-in Auth support. In local environment everything w...
I am using several scope functions in an eloquent model to retrieve data, and in one of the function...
Hi, How can I add new attribute to my new object before for example find but i dont want save that n...
So this is my first deployment of Laravel and I came to some questions. /vendor is too big, all tho...
I am new at Laravel and tried running it on the homestead box. It seems however that the shared fold...
I'm using a delete request to delete a account its working fine on localhost but on remote host(AWS...
Hi! I installed a php library using composer via composer require evernote/evernote-cloud-sdk-php de...
Hello. I'm trying to get the view for my property page to load and I'm meeting the following error....
I have noticed that the form package is not included with the new version 5 of Laravel. It says that...
How can i set the storage_path() to be in Amazon S3 completely? I can't write to the filesystem at a...
Hi, i used route subdomain documentation http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/routing#sub-domain-routing like...
Hey everyone, I was checking at SoftDeletingTrait and SoftDeletingScope and I saw that there are sta...
Anyone has any experience with the new typeahead.js and bloodhound? What is the best methods to inte...
Hello, I'm creating an application and it will have user accounts. I have created a setAttributes fu...
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