Hey there, I just branched off of my base application to test upgrading to Laravel 4.2. Now I am get...
Hey, so I'm looking to return a model with a where clause that's on the related table. So it would l...
Hi, I have project on CI and it works great, i have used lex template parser in, i want to move this...
I want to use a confirmation code in the Larabook application, but it gets more complicated because...
Hello there, i am trying to replace the input in the controller before sending it back: Input::repla...
hi, i put this code in terminal composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" and after...
Hi, I'm devving a new app in Laravel 4, my first time with Laravel and so far i love it. But i am se...
I have moved the AuthController from Auth to my new directory Frontend. Here is the route Route::con...
Installation of Laravel installer via my composer fails. I suspect composer simply doesn't know wher...
I am following a log in tutorial, my login works after the login I redirect to Route::get('/member/...
Hi, I developed a Laravel-application (a basic website) and everything is working like a charm on bo...
Is it possible to have a form inside a form? On my page I have 2 forms. The 2nd form is inside the 1...
<?php ob_start(); session_start(); include("connect.php"); if(empty($_SESSION["kullanici_adi"...
Good day, Please i am new to laravel. I have created a form and i continued with the user model alre...
Hello, I wonder how I can add a <i class = "xxx"> to a html link with blade so the outcome wil...
How does one wrap Code in the forum questions?
Hi, In the url you get something like /view/1 but I would like to to show /view/test instead, but I...
I am executing two query builder ->get(); and trying to merge() but get the error: $output = $que...
Hi folks, I'm trying to use form::model, to populate a form with data. I can get the form to post an...
I can't get Eloquent to update the last attribute for the record, only the first attribute is saved....
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