their is any example to react.js + laravel ?
From my model... public function getNumberDeletedAttribute($value) { return (bool)$value; } public...
I have an old codeigniter project for a client running on a 123-reg (linux) server. Has anyone had e...
This does not work? @foreach($posts as $post) @if($post->created_at == 'isYesterday()')...
In my environment authentication is already beeing done in Apache (LDAP/Kerberos). I want to use thi...
I want to login into my application with email or mobile number. But the default auth only use email...
Hi guys! I'm learning Laravel and am working on a personal project as I do it. It's essentially a d...
Hi, I want have someting like : Lang::set('key', 'value') and Lang::set('key', array()) You have an...
Hi, I'm new to this framework and I'm following the Code Bright book examples, but also trying out a...
I have 2 tables links and likes (with relation: = likes.link_id) and I need to build query...
Here is the code being tested public function forgot($email) { try {...
Hi I am a student studying webdesign at the first year of my diploma and I am currently try to make...
Please help me regarding how to add fancybox in 4.2.7. i tried to load fancybox from this link https...
Laravel messaging package --> please view, review and comment :)
I have a view page with 3 paginations. Next link of one effect the other two paginates. When next of...
Here is my validation rules for example: $validator = Validator::make( array(...
Hi, As you know, there is a limitation in constraints' name definition as it should not exceed 30 ch...
Security Listener is a laravel Web Application Firewall(WAF) package. Git:
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