i wrote this layout in that shape i named it in views/layout default.blade.php @section('head') <...
I put the project in a folder. Then when I type in browser dev.site/foo, it becomes dev.site/foo/ Ha...
When I run phpunit: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function make() on a non-object in vendor/lar...
Hi Guys, My setter is not working: public function setStartDateAttribute($date) { if ($date) { $this...
Hey guys, im running the following Query: $user = User::where('active', '=', '1')->get(); Then in...
So I've just started playing with laravel a bit. I've been a heavy CodeIgniter user for years. Anywa...
I can get the records created in the current month, I use postgresql SELECT * FROM quakes WHERE extr...
Hello I am trying to return data with multiple table at the same time using repository function ulti...
On picking up some older questions as how to notify the user that he has been logged out due to inac...
Hello, I'm working on a laravel installation that has the application and public folder outside of t...
Hello, I'm currently working with Laravel and Nginx, previously I've the Laravel Application over Ap...
I'm creating dynamic PNG images from database data using Intervention/image. To decrease the process...
I use Netbeans, and when I used the recommended method to protect sensitive config parameters, Netbe...
I have a text string from our database that I'm injecting into a blade template. Is it possible to h...
Hey, I use a hosting, that doesn't allow me to upload files outside of the public directory (please...
I have a quick question about setting up a structure where a controller calls a service which in tur...
I have come across a situation that doesn't make much sense to me. Just as some background informat...
Hi, I want a package for Laravel 4 to configure my facebook page, twitter .... The package <<...
I'm running the following code: SSH::into('runtime')->run(array( 'cd /home/ubuntu', './upda...
Hey guys, I just tweaked all my models and controllers to use namespaces. Now I'm using \Model names...
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