Can anyone point me to the direction on how to fix this? I changed the delimiter to <% %> beca...
Hi, i'm using this form: {{ Form::select('year', [date("Y"), date("Y")+1, date(&...
Hello Im getting this error production.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotF...
Hey guys! I'm new to Laravel and are currently working on a Problem I'm having. Maybe you can help!...
I'm trying make a function that returns false if there is no inventory available. I need it to searc...
Hey guys I have a problem about implementing FacebookRedirectLoginHelper. After I saw following link...
I'm using Redis queues in a project and now I find myself in a position where I need to delete a job...
I used Request::getClientIp() but it get ip my hosting not guest's ip How do i get ip of guest clie...
This is my controller: public function prontuario_index(){ $Prontuarios = Prontuarios::get(15);...
I commiited a laravel project through my github from office PC.It worked nicely there , but when i w...
I'm building a REST API for a large data set, and running into a performance issue I'm not sure how...
Github: Documentation: Demo: {{Fr...
Hi All, Trying to figure out laravel validation for my user model. I can manage to return all the er...
Hi, what's the difference between return View::make('x')->with('viewData', $viewData); and retur...
Hi, i call this somewhere in the CustomerController(): $results = CustomerModel::getCustomers(); Th...
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I am new to laravel, please guide me in fetching data from database, i am able to show the data on t...
Hello, I'm hoping I can get help with a dilema I ran into. I hope it's something simple. I have a me...
Hi all, I have the following query: $posts = Post::where('category_id', '=', $category->id)...
I was working my way through the phpacademy tutorial "Laravel To Do List App" and after I...
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