Hi! I created a morphMany relation, the related class is in sub folder and the type inserted in data...
I have an insert and delete statement, both contain a nested selected and Laravel won't run them, no...
I can not access my relationships when I order by random. If i remove the random and use all or firs...
Hello, I want to give user a possibility to import/upload your own theme (view). I don't know to sol...
I've succeeded in including and using the Database class use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as...
OK, so I'm using Eloquent as a standalone package in my app. Is there any way I could do pagination...
Hi, Been stuck on this problem for about a week. I know its probably something simple I missed but I...
Hello! I have a "Profile" model related to a "User" model. Currently I'm able to...
Hi, i'm new to laravel i have a basic app that show the current date as 17 July i have setup mcamara...
I can't push queues locally! I get that error. When I add this line of code below to my route it wor...
Hi all, How to run php artisan queue:listen in production server since We don't have command prompt...
Hi everyone, I have these routes in my routes.php Route::get('login', [ 'uses' => 'loginCon...
Hi Guys , I have a prefixed group route with a resource controller. When I list down all my existing...
Hi, I am just creating my first application with Laravel - and I really love it! But I noticed, that...
hi I have a copy of a package (cartalyst/nested sets) from another project. Am I correct in thinking...
How to do this query in the Laravel way: SELECT this AS thispart FROM x WHERE foo = bar Then I'm ref...
I have uploaded an exact replica of a working L4 site onto a live host and verified all files upload...
HI, I want to display image which is stored in public/upload folder of my app. In my db only the ima...
I have laravel set up and working fine. But I have one folder in the root directory that I want to n...
I'm trying to implement post formats on a project, much like WP does it. Post formats are used to gi...
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