I am looking if the is any way to remove the package as we do using composer... I have a project whi...
I am executing a query where i need to get some data from child table and sum them based on a column...
Hi to all. I'm trying to develop an application with Backend made with Laravel and frontend made wit...
I can get the returned value of a stored procedure using this code below `DB::select('call generateC...
Hi, I have a problem with a call "createToken" method in my auth controller (login functio...
I'm a little confused why Builder::join couldn't be similar to Builder::with to join tables.. To be...
Hello, I want to migrate my app from a server to another one and keep the users logged in. I am usin...
I am using Laravel 7 and I want to send an email using sendemail driver using Laravel Mail Facade be...
hello everyone, hope you are doing fine i wanted to ask is it possible to devide an inscription form...
Does anyone have some advice or information about setting up the right structures in backpack, altho...
Hi, new to Laravel here. Want to get websocket broadcasting working. I am successfully sending notif...
I am making a query to know if a certain uuid exists, but it returns an error. I am using Postgres....
Hi There, this is my first post here as I have encountered a weird issue for the very first time eve...
I dont know what is going on with the routes of my Laravel 7 project. When the route is simple, like...
this posted and here: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/laravel/homestead2testlogin-but-not-loa...
lse123, rezwan-hossain liked this thread
Hello! I have a question about AngularJS + Laravel 7. First I installed php artisan ui vue --auth fo...
Good morning to everybody. I have a database with following tables and fields: Tasks: id; start; en...
Heelo, I want to show an alert after log in in laravel 6* , how can this be done idk what to use in...
Hi I am trying to make a filter in laravel nova that allows me to select items that have a relation....
What is the process to add tables on database of a running site ...da
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