Hey Guys! We're looking for a web developer to join our team in Houston, TX at Photojojo.com! You ca...
I'm starting to work with repos and tests, and in one of my Eloquent repos I have this method: publi...
Hi all. I am pretty close to a solution but am stuck. I have a category page where the category is c...
Hi, Is there an elegant method for counting sessions that are for successfully authenticated users?...
I really like the look of https://github.com/LaravelIO/laravel.io/tree/nextVersion/src/CommandBus I...
Hello, I have 2 models. One is "developer" and the second is "program". One deve...
Hi, while working with Many To Many Polymorphic relationships, I notice that if we retrieve nested r...
Hello I want to put some sort of timer so the user can only add data to the database let's say ever...
Hi everyone, I am new to Laravel and am using version 4.1. I am attempting to query database using p...
In the upgrade guide it mentions this: -- Encryption Defaults Add a new cipher option in your app/co...
I appreciate reading this mail theme is that I started (well newbie) using Laravel and my job gave m...
i have mysql db with bit(1) data types, when using laravel db query classes the return values are em...
I have an existing database (can't change the structure) for which I need to make a web front end. T...
Hi all! I have an app which handle multiples entities and each entity (table) has an order column so...
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'yield' (T_YIELD), expecting '(' in /opt/lampp/htdocs/laravel3...
Hi everybody, I used to use Basset to manage my assets - I grew very fond of the notion of "col...
Hi all, I am launching a startup. With many products built with L4. The business plan is always base...
hi i install laravel with this command composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist everyth...
I've set up the local Homestead version following these guidlines: http://laravel.com/docs/homestead...
need a code for populating 3 select boxes(country,state,city) based on selection on previous select...
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