I have tow database connections, `'mysql' => [ // connection information ],...
Hi there . I have two databases (Master) and (Slave) how can I configure l...
I am trying to build web app with laravel that help me to save daily costs and the total for every m...
Hey there! Title is the basics of the question. From Laravel 5.8, I have a /resources/js/plugins fol...
saberyjs liked this thread
cannot load javascript . i want to use select2 and use external javascript. but, that javascript can...
Hey! This only relates to Mix (or Webpack perhaps). So I hope this is a good place to post this. If...
SO basically i have this code that sends people a deposit code to deposit money into a bank (for a g...
1jamestkirk liked this thread
Hello, I connected to my database in PHPStorm (in Data Source and Drivers using General and SSH/SSL...
rasyidcode liked this thread
Hello please how do i login into the admin panel, here is my code This is my middleware file `<?p...
Can Someone Help Me with This https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60236757/cannot-save-data PLease H...
I have a few issues. We do a lot of background work in a pool of several hundred artisan workers acr...
I attend regular PHP meetups at a local user group hosted by a Laravel shop that often demonstrates...
When I run the phpunit command vendor/bin/phpunit I get this error. I did not understand where I mak...
I expect I will learn this eventually as I work my way through the Laravel videos but in the interes...
I need help creating a newsletter in my laravel website , where user can select the categories that...
Just stumbled acrossed this https://ecosystem.laravel.io/ was wondering what this is? And if I had a...
I'm trying to subscribe to a users private notification channel using this code var chan = window.Ec...
Hello everyone! I need assistance on how to add image upload to the registration page. I have added...
I work for an orginazation that does not allow htaccess at all. I have to configure all request thro...
i can try tutorials,but doesnt work for me
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