this is my PostController.php, <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Reques...
Hi all! When I go to another page, my command line shows me information that is always loading all j...
Hello! I have all <script></script> files loading in the Master Page When I change the c...
How to create Role-based Permissions in laravel 5.2 ? can use Zizaco for this ? or else is there any...
I have 2 blade view to send an email, they are : layout.blade.php and welcome.blade.php where welcom...
In my view i have 5 file fields like this {!! Form::file('song[][url]', ['placeholder'=>'Url']) !...
I'm trying to make a menu for user when he loggin to be able to check his order history. So far I go...
Please, how do I when editing a car, list all the brands, however already come selected the brand th...
Hi, is there a possibility to put an HTML Attribute depending on whether or not a condition is true?...
My view is like below. <div class="form-group", style='max-width:100%;'> {!! Form::l...
Hi all! When I go to another page, my command line shows me information that is always loading all j...
I have a problem regarding blade templates and localization. I've created a locale-middleware that b...
Hi, I am new to Laravel 4 and trying some things... now i'm stuck at creating a very very basic form...
If i need to put two variables in blade, for example name and surname, which of this two option is t...
I'm creating a form with Form::model , but when defining the fields i sometimes do this: @if (Auth::...
Good afternoon folks, I need your help, I have this car brands list with a button to edit and delete...
Hello everyone, I would like to know if there is a way to use the laravel view outside of laravel ?...
the solution must be simple but i cant see it Iam passing an array to the view, whit all the fields...
Hi guys, Hope you can help me with this simple query. I have this function. public function CapT...
I cannot send mail through laravel. I have changed the .env file, mail file and also changed the smt...
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