In Laravel 5, I notice that whenever I have a form in which I wrote in plain HTML, instead of using...
When I am creating a new entry and leave at least one field to error out then submit the form, upon...
Hi there! So I'm using FormRequest like so: public function save(MailRequest $request) And validati...
please explain with an example for me what does $request->ajax() do?
What is the difference between "accepted" and "in" in Validation?
I am trying to validate a retrieved form with User::$rules and the validation always return failed w...
I ran into the common problem where I could not update the User because the Validator kept using the...
Hi Everyone, I'm attempting to save user search phrases into my mysql database. I'm having a difficu...
Hi, I'm trying to get a a date that is 3 days from the selected date, but excluding weekends and hol...
Hello This is maybe a stupid question, but I'm just learning Laravel and can't find help on internet...
Hi guys, I have a command with options defined this way : protected function getOptions() { return a...
How do I make sure each indivually image gets uploaded? Here's my issue, if I upload an image called...
Hi All, I've been reading Chris Fidao's excellent book on Implementing Laravel and unfortunately I'v...
How Validate multiple fields, two requerid, use Laravel 4.0 {{ Form::text("percent[{$key}]"...
I'm new in Laravel and some times it's hard to undestand waht's happening. I have a code for validat...
Hello I'm building a custom provider for validation and i'm getting this error: Method [validatePass...
For one form, I need to validate that if Field A isn't filled, Field B needs to be filled. Another f...
Hey All, I'm in the process of developing a web application for a customer. The customer asked If I...
Hi All, Newbie to Laravel and have struggled to get the links to do what I want them to do :( Every...
Hi there, I'm using Redactor editor as WYSIWYG editor in my project. I have description field using...
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