Hi! I am using Laravel 5.2 and Apache 2.4. I have created an .htaccess file in the /public/images di...
http://chandraadmin.com/ The completely responsive and user friendly Chandra Admin template is multi...
I am using redis queue on laravel and i have been struggling with it. Is it possible to retrieve a q...
My Domain name is “ hasafer.com” , It’s have about 1000 URLs, In webmasters I have only one indexed...
How do I clear a file cache? Well, that is, I get the picture from the site and I replaced it. How t...
Hi, I've changed my .env database configurations (host, etc). After that, config:cache and config:cl...
I'm using Laravel 5.3 and Spark (maybe 1.0). In the Spark brand file file I have: <a class="...
Hello, Each change I made on blade files, I must clear the cache manually. (php artisan view:clear)...
any somebody can help me to fix that error. this my error : ErrorException in Encrypter.php line 106...
I Have a project where subdomain are created for users like a there are john.example.com and jenny.e...
currently using : laravel 5.3 session driver already tried memcached,redis my session data each ref...
Hello, i have web app using laravel, for each user there is permissions sets array and subscription...
I have NFS enabled in Homestead.rb (otherwise my responses are way too slow): # Register All Of...
#Relevant System Information System - Virtual Box Ubuntu 16.04, PHP 7.0, Google Chrome 55.0.2883.87...
Okay so as I am reading the Laravel Documentation, I am kinda noticing they are trying to sell me on...
So I can't find the answer to this. I had my class Permission, the name of the file was Permission.p...
Hello, I am trying to cache a query which is ordered by RAND() in my category->questions() relati...
This has been a persistent issue, and now it is time to fix it. I have a section of a projcet where...
I'd like to cache Auth::user() calls, because I have the username of the logged in user in my top na...
Hii. I used laravel 5.3, change the view but always cache old view, how to fix that? deleted all cac...
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