My form: {{ Form::checkbox('portfolio', 0, false) }} By default checkbox is unchecked. In controlle...
Hi! When i use trans() or Lang::get() in a Laravel 5.0 Queue command, its says [ErrorException]...
Hii i want to use atom technology for payment getaway so help me for integrate in laravel 5.3 sugges...
I want to develop a SAAS application with ACL and local admins. Can anyone suggest me a structure fo...
Laravel Version: 5.3.29 PHP Version: 7.0 / 7.1.0 Database Driver & Version: mariaDB 10.0.24 De...
I am trying to encrypt json encoded string from laravel's default encryption. But i am not sure it's...
Hi, I have a treatment that generates 2 PDF files, and then send them by mail. When I run this direc...
i am trying to install envoy on laravel 5.3 but i am having some difficulty. I have followed the doc...
My code is like this : <?php namespace App\Http\Requests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRe...
Hi all, i am new to laravel and i tried to build a user verification with activation E-Mail and occu...
Hi guys. I missunderstand something. I have two tabels: Products (id, sku, brand, name, etc.) publi...
Ok, so I'd installed Homestead and everything had been working well. I'd created a couple of sites i...
Any example for ajax of onChnage of select box that change multiple source object like textbox1, tex...
My controller is like this : public function listdata(Request $request) { ... $pdf = PDF::loadV...
Hey everybody, I would like to introduce you all to my new Laravel package - Permy. Perhaps you will...
Hi, I am using Laravel Forge to deploy my app and it was working wonderful so far. But there is only...
I use composer to create new Laravel applications. Recently, it has been installing without the vend...
I'm trying to use google api v2.0 but it requires phpseclib 2.0 where as laravel 4.1 requires phpsec...
I have a record model and status model. Which each record has status can be "approved", &q...
I'm running a site on Laravel 4.2, deployed to DigitalOcean 1gig server via Laravel Forge on the ngi...
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